The Importance Of Unity In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

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Ancient writer Aesop once said “In union there is strength.” Strength can be found in a myriad of forms, whether it be within oneself, physically, allegorically and so forth. Within a collection of works containing diverse messages such as The Cycle of Liberation, I am Malala, Invisible Man, John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, Rudy, Siddhartha, and The Feast of St. Crispin Speech, the theme of unity is present. With that being said, through such unification came power. To begin with, constructing a system in order to achieve unity will make the impact it has all the more remarkable. Within Bobbie Harro’s The Cycle of Liberation, the process of becoming liberated is made known to the reader. According to Merriam Webster, liberation is defined Taking place in the mid-twentieth century, an African American begins his education at a southern college that would prove to not have his best intentions at heart. The president of the college, Dr. Bledsoe expels the narrator from the university and sends him blindly to New York, where he was given the task of finding a job. Consequently, the narrator was set up and found himself without his own home, money, or an occupation. However, in time the protagonist discovers an organization known as the Brotherhood where he became their African American spokesperson in the city of Harlem. Upon joining the Brotherhood, the narrator was now able to speak out and be heard by society, as well as attaining a stable source of income. Therefore, prior to unifying with the Brotherhood, the narrator was not able to provide for himself, nor was he able to have others listen to Kennedy, Henry V also unified an assortment of individuals through an empowering speech. In short, the speech predominantly consisted of Henry V’s belief that honor triumphs over riches, and that those who strive for riches as opposed to righteousness, are not sought by him. Within a modern translation of The Feast of St. Crispin Speech by William Shakespeare, Henry V announces that “we few, we happy few; we band of brothers!” Therefore, one way a reader can view this statement is that through Henry V’s decision to use the term “brothers” to a group of unconnected men resulted in the intended audience believing they were

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