The Importance Of Technology On Children

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Technology has been helping us to connect and communicate with people around the world. Inventions such as cell phones and computers have been allowing us to text, chat and interact with our peers without leaving your house. It has improved so much in the past decades and is still getting better. Tyler presents many sources of evidence to support and establish her argument’s credibility that the millennial generation is struggling to make decisions on their own, parents should allow their children to be independent and technology is making us less prepared for the future. In the end, technology has a tremendous effect on how we go about our everyday life such as working, getting in touch with each other and making independent decisions. Today, …show more content…

If we get too involved in our children’s life, “we are infantiliz[ing] out youth” (Tyler par. 17). The author is trying to emphasize the fact that parents are treating our teens like children and this causes us to “stifle their development” (Tyler par. 17). Meaning that if the parents keep on treating our children like “little children”, they will have a hard time growing up. Later on, they will not be able to take care of themselves. That makes sense. If the children keep on asking their parents for help, they will be unable to live on their own. As Tyler said, “when I caught one student cheating on a paper, his mom called and demanded I let him write a new paper” (Tyler par. 20). Children should learn their lesson from whatever mistakes they made. The parents should not have to hinder with their child’s education, the child should learn to fix his/her own mistakes. From my past experiences, when I get a low grade on a test or an assignment, I learn and understand the mistakes I made, so that I would not repeat it again. Everyone makes mistakes, but you have to learn from them and not try to escape from the problem. Responsibility is one of the major building blocks of life. Whenever parents call “to set up interview appointments for their children” (Tyler par. 25), the children do not learn to be responsible. Responsibility should be learned early on in life because whenever he/she goes to work and they are given a job to complete, he/she will not be able to complete the work and could be fired from the job. The parents do everything for their children and later on in the children’s life, they will be still dependent on the parents to do everything for them. The parents should find a way to allow their children to take care of themselves and the parents should stop hovering over whatever

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