The Importance Of Shaving Body Hair

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Women studies are political as it helps women and men understand their personal experience or decisions are implicated in power relations and subjects to constraints. Shaving body hair will be used as an example to explain the concept of “the personal is political”. This paper will first discuss what is personal is political and explain why shaving body hair is personal. Then, discuss the women’s hair removal history followed by reasons why women shaved their body hair and finally explain how shaving body hair becomes political.

“The personal is political” was a common slogan of the feminist movement in the late 1960s. The word “political” refers to the power relations instead of electoral politics. Thus, “the personal is political” emphasized …show more content…

As we have discussed before, shaving body hair becomes a beauty standard. According to Mulvevy, the way we see beauty is from a masculine point of view and in terms of men’s attitudes (Mulvey, 1999). We see beauty through the male gaze. “To gaze” implies more than to look at, it signifies a psychological relationship of power, in which the gazer is superior to the object of gaze (Schroeder & Borgerson, 1998). Body hair is often linked to feminism. Some feminists argue that if you shave your body hair, you are a slave to the patriarchy. To shave or not to shave is a personal preference. Yet, body hair is considered as a powerful weapon in fighting against patriarchal standards of female beauty and removing body hair is still associated with internalizing misogynist ideals of femininity. Does it means that no matter you shave or not it is not a personal matter but instead, it is a political …show more content…

Women have to complete a genital test in order to be qualified as a female to participate in sport competitions while men do not have to do so. This is because the genital test can assure men do not enter women’s competitions and maintain its fairness as men are being assumed to have advantages of size and strength over women. Sports such as basketball, gymnastics and figure skating are manipulated and often portray women as inferior in sports. For example, women in figure skating are not allowed to do more than one triple jump in their required program while men can do

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