The Importance Of Pride In I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

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Humans consistently make comparisons between themselves and the next person, over fashion, cars, jobs, the nation they belong to, religion, and the land they own. All of these are material things, yet their egos divide them into groups who feel superior to the other in order to pride themselves. Pride can be beneficial, but it has more detrimental effects than positive ones, as pride and ego make people feel more important to others, spark rivalries between groups such as how nationalism influences war and hatred, and caused white people to treat the black community as an inferior people such as in Maya Angelou’s memoir I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In this deeply frustrating yet inspiring text we follow Maya Angelou’s emotional roller coaster as she gains more confidence and pride in both herself and her race despite extensive setbacks such as being raped at eight years old, and she explains her …show more content…

This phrase demonstrates her confidence and feeling of superiority to those around her because she has to be bold and unforgiving to be taken seriously or even noticed. When Angelou states “like air, I’ll rise” (24) from “a past that’s rooted in pain” (31), she is depicting that although she and her people have suffered in the past, there is nothing that can hinder her from rising now. This feeling of invincibility and pride is what allows her to fight racism and overcome hate. When a people are oppressed, they must muster up all of the courage, confidence, and ego they can obtain to pursuit

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