The Importance Of Our Five Senses

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All information that comes into our conscious mind through our five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch moves through our own individual filters into our unconscious mind (see Figure 4 below). Apart from our five senses, by which we take in our surroundings and evaluate our lives, human beings also have intellectual or mental faculties. Those faculties – perception, will, imagination, intuition, memory, and reason – are the gifts of the mind that distinguish us as co-creators. We all have the ability to use those intellectual faculties in our conscious mind to influence what goes from our conscious into our unconscious mind, but only few people know how to use those faculties to create the life they want.

Figure 4 – Our Five Senses and the 3 Most Important Intellectual Faculties
While all intellectual faculties are important in having conscious control in our lives, the faculties of Perception, Memory and Imagination are the intellectual faculties that are most potent in changing the mind on a conscious level, so let’s have a closer look at them now. Perception
"The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.”
- Dr. …show more content…

Implicit Memory helps us accomplish many of the things we do automatically without thinking. Even when we are not consciously thinking about how to complete an activity, our muscles remember for us. One classic example of such a feat is when you walk up to the ATM, and although you have used the pin so many times, it just won’t come up in your mind. It seems to be gone from your memory. Yet the moment your fingers hit the keypad, you automatically type in the correct number sequence. Research tells us that this kind of memory remains even after severe brain injury and amnesia. Other examples are riding a bike, driving a car, and replacing an old light

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