The Importance Of My Worldview

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In a world where lacking a gender or having more than one gender are considered socially acceptable life choices, a solid foundation is vital to the survival of the Christian faith, both to individuals and the religion as a whole. When the primary worldview is relative truth, secular ideals blend black and white to gray. This problem may seem absent in religion, but it bleeds into the lives of once-passionate Christians, rendering their faith lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-16 states, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (NIV) In mellowing the Christian faith as a whole, the worldviews of individual …show more content…

I believe in the resurrection and salvation through grace alone. By trusting that a perfect God sacrificed his Son to give me salvation, I can share the gift with others. My worldview is blatantly obvious when teaching others through church-organized events, but it is also evidenced in everyday life. Doing something as simple as giving Christmas gifts with a scripture to teachers when the average student would do nothing is one subtle way my worldview pours into common actions. CS Lewis stated, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” My worldview may not obviously appear in everything, but because I believe in the resurrection and salvation through grace alone, and my mindset is anchored by an omniscient God, I see things through a brighter and clearer lens than a secular student. Since I see the world through God, I have the power to be an ambassador of God in any circumstance, even when surrounded by secular …show more content…

Even many Christians are apathetic or uneducated regarding worldviews. In a study conducted by Del Tackett through Focus on the Family, only 9% of “born-again” believers have a Biblically correct worldview. The most likely reason for the lack of conviction is the media. The media is constantly surrounding children, students, and adults, telling them they can believe whatever they choose, because it is right for them. After years of this, even the most stalwart believer can succumb to the idea of relative truth. Relative truth is closely associated with postmodernism, the artistic movement in which anything can be considered art, from a Renaissance-style painting to an autographed toilet. To combat this on a large scale is impossible, but one student with a Biblical worldview can change one student with a secular worldview, and so on, creating a chain reaction of Christian pupils in schools, and in the future,

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