The Importance Of Moving In A Military Family

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“Your father and I have something to tell you kids, and we do not wish for anybody to become upset” declared my mother. This statement made me nervous. Anytime my parents say not to grow upset, you can distinguish something has happened that is working to transform your entire life. We all waited, tension filling the air, as we waited to hear what she had to say. “We are all moving back to Virginia”. My jaw dropped 6 feet and hit the floor. I could not believe my family was once again moving after living in Maryland for three years. My entire body went numb, a thousand shards of glass stabbing me all over. My heart broke like a vase being accidentally knocked over by a child playing a game. My parents did not intend to break my heart, but it still happened. I can still remember the first day I stepped foot in the humid summer heat of Maryland. It was a day of new beginnings and a new start in life. I was living three astonishing years in Maryland and now I was moving away once again. I was starting third grade when we first moved from sunny Virginia to chilly Maryland. Since I was so young I didn’t really understand how moving different places would affect my family. With this move back to Virginia, I was older and could understand more. I was …show more content…

Being a military family means you always should be ready to move. Growing up in this environment, you can really adapt to moving to new places. I knew that if I decided to be dramatic about moving I would really affect my family. So that is why I was not sobbing until my eyes were disoriented, or ear-piercing screaming at what could have been. I was not fighting everything to stay or making life inflexible. Many people might ask, if I was leaving everything behind, why would I not be upset at that young age of 11. The reason is that I am a part of a family of seven. Anything we do, affects all the others in some

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