The Importance Of Minor Characters In Greek Mythology

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In Greek Mythology, there are several characters involved. Some are minor characters while others are great heroes. Daphne is among these minor characters. She is a Naiad nymph--nymphs often associated with fountains, wells, springs, and other freshwater bodies. She is said to be the daughter of a river god and plays an ultimately small role in Greek mythology. Her existence, however, explains the appearance of the Laurel Tree. Stories like this were very important to the Greeks because they gave the Greeks an explanation for things that happened and came about. These stories were also used to explain religious rituals and related events.
If the reader were to research Daphne, the Naiad nymph, he/she would find that she was not a hero. Instead, Daphne was constantly pestered by those interested in her love. Leucippus is one example of someone who constantly hounded her. He wanted Daphne’s love so desperately that …show more content…

Her run-in with Apollo is an example. Apollo had a particular interest in Daphne before he killed Python--an earth dragon. After he killed Python he began to tease Eros(Cupid) about it and told him that his godly powers were useless compared to those of Apollo. Eros got angry and wanted revenge. To accomplish this, he shot Apollo with a gold arrow and the woman he loved, Daphne, with a lead one. Eros’s goal was to make Apollo fall deeply in love with Daphne and for Daphne to hate Apollo. This worked exactly as he wanted it to. Apollo began to chase Daphne and she grew tired of it; she wanted to escape him. Daphne cried out to a river god or mother earth for help. One of them answered her pleas and transformed her into a Laurel Tree. This transformation allowed her to finally be free of Apollo’s advances. Given the information, the reader can see that this is an unusual tale--one that does not have any relevance to the Hero’s Journey unlike many of the other Greek myths and stories

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