The Importance Of Medical Experiments In Prison

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In 1951, Dr. Albert M. Kligman, a dermatologist, he began doing medical experiments on prison inmates. He first started at Philadelphia’s Holmes burg prison. The only reason he went to the prison was because there was an outbreak of herpes virus, and staphylococcus bacteria, athlete’s foot fungus. Also he was sponsored by drug companies such as Dow Chemical, the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Kligman told newspaper reporters “All I saw before me were acres of skin. It was like a farmer seeing a field for the first time.” He began medical experiments on the inmates for about 20 years. The tests involved: toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo. Skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dye. He …show more content…

I think that they should make a law. Prisoners shouldn’t be in prison to do experiments they are only there to serve their time for whatever then did. Because most of the prisoners had no idea what they were being experimented on. Most doctors would tell them lies about they are putting on them or not to worry about anything. Some of the prisoners would be going through stress, anxiety and depression after they were being experimented on. They are going through a lot as it is. Because they are in prison and they are serving their time. The doctors or scientists should’ve stay experimenting on animals. No human being should be put through all that pain and suffering. Also the court would say the death was a suicide. Some of the prisoners were being made fun of by the people that were doing experiments on them. They don’t deserve that they didn’t do anything to them. They are just helping them out on trying to find out cures. And the inmates that were being experimented on could at least have a good meal. Or be treated well because of the things that they had to go through. They would get layers of skin off their back. The least the doctors could do is make them be treated properly. They shouldn’t have a limited for anything. There needs to be a law for this cause no human or anybody in this world should be going through anything like that. The stories I read are crazy and sad. But yet the some of the prisoners volunteered to be experimented on. Even though they volunteered they shouldn’t have to go through that. Doctors should’ve re thought about the whole thing. And they should’ve thought what if I was in there shoes. Then I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to go through all that pain and suffering like how these prisoners did. So I think they should make a law for this. And that nobody should have to go through all that pain

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