The Importance Of Life In Prisons

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So much can be lost due to a bad decision or being in the wrong place at the wrong time or even out of an impulse. This thought is brought into consideration when I think of juveniles who have committed a crime and are sentenced to life in prison. For that bad decision that this juveniles have done they are about to waste their whole life’s behind prison bars. I personally agree with the Supreme Court justices who argue to abolish mandatory life in prison for juveniles who commit murder. Sentencing a juvenile to life in prison does not only violate the Eighth Amendment that bans on cruel and unusual punishments, but it also ruins/kills another human beings life. Being in prison for such a long time is like throwing away this teen’s life. It is like giving up …show more content…

What this teens need is to be put into juvenile prisons where they can get the help they need. They need help in seeing that there is more to this world then what they now of and that they do not have to be like the other individuals around them. They need help in getting out of the dangerous environments and away from bad influential individuals. They also need help in building their characters into someone who can do something out of themselves and provide themselves a promising future.
On one hand there are so many people in jails who wish they could get a second chance to show the world what they are capable of, but they cannot because of a bad decision they made when they were young. These people did not get the help they needed and ended up throwing away their whole life behind bars. But on the other hand there are also people who even though they committed a crime at a young age they were sent to juvenile prisons were they received they help they needed and were able to change their life

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