The Importance Of Letter Writing

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I would like to research letter writing and why it is still important in the digital age. Specifically, I want to talk about personal correspondence between friends and family. This topic is important to talk about since hand-written communication is a dying form. However, it should be preserved. More thought and sentiment goes into letter writing. It may not be the fastest way to talk with somebody, but it is the most intimate way to catch up with friends from back home. I want to help others realize how special this practice is. People can be too rash with their words, and writing them down first can help them convey what they want to say in a more eloquent manner. It will be necessary to complete this project in order to convince others …show more content…

Additionally, the author talks about the history of letter writing. She then goes on to say how letter writing is starting to be seen as a literary genre as well as a social and cultural practice. Later, she talks about letter writing manuals and printed letter collections. Through her explanations and sources, I can demonstrate the impact of written correspondence by citing the vast amount of articles and books composed about the subject. I can also share information about the practice’s association with women and immigrants.

Siraj, Bismina. “Importance of Letter Writing.” The Dialogue 5.2 (Jun 2010) 182-187.

Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology. Web. 9 Nov 2014

The article opens with a statement about how life and literature are both essentials, and that there cannot be one without the other. Later, it describes the success of letter writing in the history of mankind. The practice also has more permanence than text messages or emails. Digital exchanges can be easily deleted or forgotten about, but physical copies of words can be stored and re-read years later. The publication also explains how letters can be used to learn about the personal and emotional life of a writer. I will use this source to highlight all of the reasons why letter writing is important.


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