The Importance Of Identity In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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Speak Essay Imagine something really bad happened at a party while in high school, so the police get called because what happened was illegal. Before they arrive, everyone starts to yell because they think that whoever called the police called them because there was alcohol at the party. Now the friends have turned on that person. But at least there are still the parents to talk to, right? Nope. The person’s home life is so messed up that they barely talk to their family. Most of the time when they do, it is through a couple of notes on the refrigerator. If there is no one to talk to then why talk, right? This is exactly how Melinda feels in the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. In the story Melinda goes to a high school party before the summer of her freshman year. At the party, there was a senior that took interest in Melinda. Melinda and the senior, Andy, started kissing but Andy took things to the next level. When Melinda said, "no," Andy kept going. Melinda ended up getting raped. Because of this Melinda called the …show more content…

The way Melinda's identity was changed by these external factors, can happen to anyone. Whether they know it or not, there are things every day that happen to shape everyone into being the person that they are. It can be just as simple as sitting on the couch all day. This reveals that the person that does that is very relaxed. Or it could be something extravagant, like skydiving, which only a very daring and risk taking person would do. Melinda changed and grew a lot from getting raped. Melinda found her own voice, and now is able to stand up for herself. Melinda is no longer stuck in this small little shell all alone. Melinda broke out and can now experience the world in a different way. She can see the world as a good place, and not only where bad things

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