The Importance Of Heroism In The Film Wonder Woman

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The hero theory conveys the message that upon understanding heroic ideals present in the texts of one culture, inferences can be made of the significant values of that society. One specific group whose literature conveyed important messages about heroic ideals were the Anglo-Saxons. They built their foundation of heroic ideals on physical strength, loyalty, revenge, bravery, and fame. Although their existence was over 1,000 years ago, the heroic ideals featured in many of their texts are still significant in modern culture. A more recent text, however, that depicts modern heroic traits, is the movie Wonder Woman, directed by Patty Jenkins. In this film, Diana, the main character leaves her home; an isolated community, to end World War One in …show more content…

Based upon the movie Wonder Woman, one heroic ideal valued by modern culture is strength. This trait is shown throughout many scenes in the movie; one scene, in particular, is during Diana's time in Themyscira. In this paradise land, women live together in a close community created by Zeus and learn fighting skills to protect themselves from the oncoming wrath Aries would unleash on humans. The Amazons are skilled equestrians who fought using adroit bow and arrow methods. As a young child, Diana was mesmerized by the rigorous training these women went through and would beg her mother to let her practice as well. Although her mother would not let Diana learn to fight, in fear of Ares discovering her identity, Diana refused to follow her orders. This shows how important physical strength is because Diana disobeyed her mom even though she was the queen, risking the punishment of her aunt and herself as well. Knowing Diana’s defiant attitude would not change, her mother insisted she be trained harder and learn to fight better than any other Amazon, further showing the importance of strength. These important skills helped Diana become a great warrior …show more content…

This trait was one of the most important factors in the Anglo-Saxon hero, insisting that a warrior commits to their king in all circumstances, even death. The same trait is shown in the movie Wonder Woman and an important ideal to people today. In the beginning of the movie, a group of Germans invade Themyscira and begin firing at the Amazons. Although their lives are at risk, each Amazon fights alongside their queen as a sign of Comitatus. This signifies the importance of loyalty because some of these women die for their queen in battle; however, they do it willingly to help protect one another. After the fight with the Germans, the Amazons question Steve’s presence; however, Steve attempts to stay loyal to his promises he made to the government, trying not to reveal his identity. In another scene loyalty is shown when Steve and his group follow Diana into “No Man's land”. Regardless of the dire consequences that could happen, such as death, they advanced into “No Man's Land” behind her and shot at the Germans. As a result, they were able to take the Germans out of “No Man's Land”, a place which enemy soldiers terrorized people for over a year. This scene shows the importance of loyalty because the group risked their lives for Diana. Additionally, Steve and his friends show loyalty to their country by fighting to save the citizens in it. Loyalty

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