The Importance Of Guidance Counselor

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As people grow up, they begin to form personal ambitions, whether they are in a future career, losing a certain amount of weight, vacationing to a new place, passing an exam, or even planning to buy a home they wish to own one day. When a person is seriously adamant in accomplishing their ambitions; they become goals. Goals are a personal set of achievements, which an individual wishes to succeed in. Some take more time to accomplish, because they require more work and another may not. In order to completely accomplish a goal, a person must have determination, have a caring support system, and learn from their own downfalls. Specifically, during my sophomore year of high school, I was required to take a civics and economics class. …show more content…

Having the support of others can encourage a person to work harder to reach their goal. For example, during high school most students never take into consideration how essential their Guidance Counselors are, until senior year of high school. Determining plans after high school can become stressful and requires additional guidance. Aside from being the backbone to students achieving higher education, Guidance Counselors jobs are to provide students with the means necessary to excel in high school and afterwards. This includes, selecting classes that best fit a student’s academic capabilities, giving out scholarship information, helping with college searches, and providing volunteer opportunities. Similarly, Guidance Counselors also have an obligation to cater to the needs of their students and encourage them to work harder for themselves. They constantly remind students about deadlines; through emails, phone calls, and public announcement on the intercom. This type of persistence pressures the students to get their paperwork in by or before the due date. Having a person take on a job, such as this one, is a large responsibility! They not only have the pressure of helping a couple of students prepare for their future plans, but the entire senior class to aid. Without a Guidance Counselor, students would have

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