The Importance Of Fitness

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“Aerobic endurance is the ability to sustain an aerobic effort over time, such as distance running or cycling” (Guth et al., 2013).Muscular endurance is one of the main fitness components that is very important in many sports, especially for those playing sports or activities that need to perform repetitive movement in a similar pattern for a prolonged period of time. Training for endurance can be simply any of the person’s favorite sports or activities such as walking, hiking, running, swimming and cycling. The maximum improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness are seen with exercise that involves large muscle groups (ACSM, 2000). Research by Morgan et al., 1971 suggests increased amount of mitochondria in human muscle fiber during endurance …show more content…

These muscles are responsible for maintaining upright posture, which means they require endurance. If the endurance and the strength of postural muscles improve, it means good posture throughout of all other daily activities.Postural muscles fatigue very slowly and respond to stress by shortening, while fast twitch fibres, phasic muscle, fatigue rapidly but generate much more power in contrast. Examples of phasic muscles are vastus latetalis, vastus medialis, gluteus maximus, rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius. Phasic muscles respond to stress by weakening (Rattray et al., …show more content…

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