The Importance Of Film And Religion

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Religion and film are two diverse subjects that are studied both collectively and individually. Though these subjects are still developing, they are widely affirmed within society. There are a multitude of components viewed in religion that is incorporated into film through visual and audio mechanisms (McNutt, Flesherm Lyden, Marsh, Mitchell, Plate, and Torry, 2012). An overview of this topic will be discussed throughout the contents of this paper. Religion and film in general will be explored, the history will be observed, and the continuous composition of these two subjects will be analyzed. Religion and film intertwine to create an underlying belief that is present within the themes in film. This entanglement is due to the fact that there is …show more content…

Furthermore, film is a modernized way of teaching religion and a method of reaching out to the community in order to get people involved. Though there are a multitude of reasons as to why film and religion intertwine, it is important to view the opposite side of the argument. When is film and religion not viewed as a unit? In the previous paragraphs it was stated that film can be persuasive when reviewing religious themes. Instances occur when this is not the case. For example, in a book titled Film as Religion it wrote of a woman who held Christian values and enjoyed watching gruesome films. When asked why she enjoyed a particular film in comparison to her beliefs she stated that what was occurring was not a legitimate situation. The author of this book applied his knowledge and created an explanation as to why this was her response, “Instead, I speculated that the film was functioning as a way for her to deal with her fears and in some ways master them, as the heroine of the film does,” (Lyden, 2003). Therefore, religion is not always an influential factor in

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