The Importance Of Fast Food In America

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Imagine a traditional old school family. The family would sit down at the dinner table and share a meal together along with quality conversation over their day(s). The meal was prepared for a great sum of time and was well balanced comprised of portions every main food group followed by dessert all resulting in happy tummies and replenished bodies. Now think of meal time today. Today 's mealtime is centered around convenience and instant delivery, often fast food that is calorie packed and nutrient deficient thus leading to fullness only for a short period of time. Over the years in America obesity has been on the rise due to more busy lifestyles and less time available to prepare a well balanced meal. How times have changed! Unfortunately,the fast food industry has greatly contributed to a drastic rise in obesity …show more content…

At a fast food place,very little money goes a long way for the consumer. Fast food is a lot cheaper than healthy food and there is no need to put a dent in your wallet for a fair amount of food. I personally know this to be true due to that fact that in High school I had a great appreciation for food places that sold food for a dollar. I had a weekend job, and very little money to spend. While ordering my meal I had stars in my eyes due to the fact that I could get a main food, a side order,a drink AND dessert for less than five dollars! As a highschooler with very little money to spend and just didn 't have money to spend on good quality food.That being said, cheap fast food is more appealing than healthy food that generally takes a greater amount of time to prepare. Who wants to wait now a days for food? We all have work to get back to, kids to take to practice, and errands to run. Similarly,fast food restaurants sell food at cheaper prices to draw in more business, and it works! Most of us think of dollar amounts rather than calorie amounts so if something 's

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