The Importance Of Ethics In Education

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Developing a philosophical rationale for my practice as a primary school teacher is profound. Understanding my unique virtues and values as a practitioner will influence my capacity for implementing planning. It will guide me in recognising my objectives as a practitioner. Furthermore, it will influence the systems to be put in place to attain these goals.
This essay will outline the features which I will include in my philosophical rational as a primary school practitioner in Ireland. I will justify these principles by availing of relevant sources from leading educationalists in this discipline. Additionally, I will draw on necessary publications from both the Irish and Scottish education systems. That is, the codes of professional conduct for teachers.
Insights I have gained from my study of philosophy have engrained the importance of ethics in education to my practice. It is important that teachers establish an atmosphere as advocated by Hogan (2011, 30), which focuses solely on education. Pring (2005, 12) corroborates with Hogan’s doctrine when he discusses the limitations of a practice that’s values strive to comply with organisations who wish to use education to enhance their political or personal attributes. Thus, Dewey (1916, 157) describes that ethnicity begins with man and progresses externally from there. Consequently, I will work independently, negating paying commitment to outside parties. As Pring (2005, 12) advocates, the practice should be facilitated by an ethical educator as opposed to someone who pays tribute to ‘managers, trainers or deliverers of the curriculum’. Consequently, my practice will cultivate from the community environment which I will establish, from within my classroom.

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It is significant to my rationale that I will continue to develop my professional conduct. As Schon (1983, 15) portrays the vocation is forever evolving. Furthermore, Hogan (2011, 35) devises that education is not final. Hence, it is pertinent that my practice advances simultaneously with educational progression. Additionally, it is significant to my rationale that I strive to develop my personal intellectual capacities to benefit myself and my student’s critical thinking abilities.
Critical reflection is at the forefront of my rationale. According to Brookfield (2007, 25) pupils bestow significant conviction to the means in which their educators deliver education. Hence, critical consideration of my practice will inform my future planning. This will ensure that I am facilitating the highest possible means of education which will be shared with my students.

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