The Importance Of Dreams In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Dreams Don’t Always Come True “Ok Someday we're gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow some pigs and”(14). This quote comes from the novel Of Mice and Men, and was written by John Steinbeck. The quote itself relates to the men’s dreams of owning their own land someday. Their goals in the novel was to accomplish this dream which they had high hopes for. Dreams can be denied as proven in this novel, many dreams are lost in some situations and can’t be helped. George,Lennie and Crooks dreams is denied throughout the novel. Dreams don’t always come true in cases, and could be denied. George was one of the characters in the novel whom dream was denied. One of the problems stopping George from accomplishing his …show more content…

Lennie himself had problems such as mental illness which he suffered from causing him to do bad deeds. First in the beginning, George and Lennie was trying to escape weed because, Lennie killed a women from their. Lennie holds small and fragile things in his hand, and does not understand how weak and frail they are, which ends up hurting or killing them.”I like to put things with my fingers, sof’ things”(90). He doesn't have any understanding when he is hurting something when he squeezes it because, he is mentally challenged. The last thing that shows this is he killed Curley's wife as well around the end of the novel. Crooks is the last and final character shown in the novel Of Mice and Men and, shows that dreams don’t always come true. This novel took place back when race was a huge thing back in the day. He was treated much different than the other workers, in the novel. The different race affected his dream in the story he was treated like a nobody, because of his race. “I ain't wanted in my bank house, and you ain’t wanted in my room. The quote shows that crooks is treated different, by no one wants to be around

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