The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace

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Diversity is defined as the inclusion of individuals representing more than one or more national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation etc. Developed during the 1960’s, companies are becoming more diverse and realizing the importance of creating diverse workplace environments. However today, there is still marginalization in today 's work environment. There are still cases where employees or groups are placed in lower positions because of their identities. In our developing society it’s important for leaders to enforce equal opportunities for everyone in the workplace. Identities include class, gender, age, sexual orientation and disability. In society, we are often told that we all different in our own unique way. However we 're also told that everyone is the same. People are different because each individual is a combination of tracks and identifies that them make up. However people are the same because the identities that form us each share a common ground with others. Being in the same group (workplace) with a different person who also shares the same goals as you is beneficial in the company 's …show more content…

People in lower-class are often overlooked because of their perceived lack of education and training. The working-class are sometimes unskilled working as dishwashers, cashiers, maids, and waitresses, usually are underpaid and have no opportunity for career advancement. Skilled workers are carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. Middle class workers are hired as teachers, secretaries, and computer technicians. Lower middle class are hired as managers, small business owners, teachers, and secretaries. The upper middle class workers are hired as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and CEOs. I observe this in the restaurant that I work in most of the people hired are young individuals who are in schools who have little to no income making minimum

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