The Importance Of Dishonesty In Politics

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Certain careers have garnered reputations for dishonesty. These include lawyers, used car salesmen, and politicians. Although their claims and promises can be proven untrue later, it is generally advantageous in the moment for them to lie or stretch facts. This temptation historically has reached some people in all of these professions, creating the reputation. A trend in politics now is not to mitigate this reputation but instead follow it. Presidential candidates have continued stretching and ignoring the truth in their rhetoric, and have now started to double down on it in an attempt to increase their credibility. Most observers would call this absurd. Some, but not all philosophers, agree with the common observer 's assessment. Politicians are expected to speak on a wide variety of issues. Furthermore, they are expected to have a deep understanding of each and …show more content…

This is a desirable situation, but not always a possible one. Politicians have to campaign, plan strategy, and collect donations, amongst other responsibilities. This means that there is not always time to understand the latest developments on topics as varied as oil markets, civil rights protests, wars, and scientific developments. Even the President has to have daily meetings with advisors for issues from security to education. As a result of not always being able to have the best information, candidates sometimes are forced to engage in a practice that Harry Frankfurt, a philosophy professor at Princeton, calls “bullshit.” Frankfurt defines “bullshit” as being a statement made without regard for the facts relating to it. This is distinguished from lying in that a liar has a regard for the truth which they are misrepresenting. It is rational for a politician to use “bullshit” when talking about issues that they are not

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