The Importance Of Cultural Policy

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In the 21st century, the country has changed laws to accommodate different cultures. We are a “melting” pot and must respect that our nation is forever changed and forever changing. To close our eyes to see this is like closing our minds that it is happening.
What is cultural policy? Cultural policy is defined as having a policy that identifies the differences in other cultures and how to incorporate those differences in all aspects of a person’s being. Cultural policy is connected to all the major issues of our society: economic stratification, race relations, international relations, technology, education, and community development. It happens at places ranging from a family’s dinner table to the boardrooms of national foundations, corporations, …show more content…

Without a standard of what is to be expected, people would do anything with total disregard for anyone and anything. Policy assists society to shift its thought process. In today’s society, the thought process is about cultural sensitivity and cultural diversity. Cultural diversity in the classroom is extremely important to have because it opens the mind of students to a different experience something more enriching than just learning a new language. The most noticeable disadvantage of cultural diversity includes language barriers, social tension, and civil disengagement (Button, …show more content…

Some policy scholars have begun to develop cultural indicators that help to assess the health of neighborhoods and communities. Foundations have supported programs to draw on the power of the arts and humanities as tools of civic engagement. Scholars concerned with civil society are working to understand how cultural organizations build social capital, by studying the networks and organizations that create and sustain a sense of trust, reciprocity, mutual obligation, and engagement. (Center for arts and culture (2001), America 's Cultural Capital, recommendations for structuring the Federal Role, Retrieved March 2012 from

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