Reflection Essay On Connectedness

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Part B
Connectedness as explained by Slade (2013) is a crucial recovery principle that has shown to improve an individual’s quality of life. It is believed that improved quality of life can be achieved through relationships formed between others and the community (Price-Robertson, Obradovic & Morgan, 2017). An occupational therapist will need to come up with a collaboration with Trish to allow her to form relationships with people who can encourage her to have hope and also facilitate her in engaging into her meaningful occupations, which could assist in her integration into society (Tew et al., 2011). This can be performed by letting Trish participate in an activity based group program which allows relationships to be formed among people who has experienced similar condition or experiences (Gibson, D'Amico, Jaffe & Arbesman, 2011). Trish won’t only be able to access to networking opportunities but she could also improve her communication skills (Rouse & Hitch, 2014) as she mentioned that she doesn’t feel comfortable and awkward in reaching out to her community; such as her local church. Whereas in an environment that is safe and comfortable will encourage her in trying

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