Chores Essay

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The significance of chores in the household is important in building the character of our youth. When children participate in the chores of the house they can learn more than how to wash a plate or how to separate the recycling; children can learn to be independent and responsible and develop a proper work ethic that can benefit them throughout their lives. Physical activity is another benefit that children can receive by participating in chores; physical activity can reduce the risk of mental and physical disease. Children who do not do chores may also be independent, responsible, be appreciative of hard work, and have a reduced risk of mental and physical illnesses, but children who do participate in chores are more likely to experience …show more content…

Even though, as a child, I did not always want to lend a hand when it came time to do chores, I did the chores because I was told to and I knew they needed to be done. I now appreciate the lessons learned from the chores; they helped me to be become an adult who understands the importance of hard work. I more than likely would not be able to maintain the balance of managing a household, raising my children, going to school, and working a full time job if chores had not been a part of my childhood. Thusly, chores are beneficial for children; Chores promote physical activity, allow children to develop an effective work ethic that will transition with them into adulthood, and teach children the importance of independence and …show more content…

I learned at an early age that chores a necessary and being a part of the household meant that you had to pitch and do your part; this is no different than being part of a study group for a school project or designing a group presentation for a marketing firm. Teaching proficient work ethic at a young age can give children the skills necessary to excel in school and during their career as an adult. My father made sure that I knew the importance of getting your work done and getting it done right. During the summer my father would sometimes take me to work with him so I could pick up trash and scrap wood or aluminum. Once we were finished we would go over to the local recycling center and my father would sell all of the aluminum that we had collected. He would give me the money and make sure to tell me what a great job I had done and that he was so proud of me; those words meant more to me than any amount of money. In Jane Smileys (2009) essay, The Case against Chores, she states, “To me, what this teaches the child is the lesson of alienated labor; not to love the work but to get it over with; not to feel pride in one’s contribution but to feel resentment at the waste of one’s time.” (p. 274) Children learn from our attitudes; if our attitude towards work is

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