The Importance Of A Math Teacher

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How did you become knowledgeable in your field?

As a future math teacher, the majority of Elementary and Middle School students ask me, why I decided to be a math teacher if that’s the subject that almost every student hate? Every student has there strong and weak subjects, as for some people may enjoy studying mathematics, others may dislike it. In my case, since 4th grade, I started having interest in mathematics. My teacher, Mrs. Tijerina, from Matamoros, with her enthusiasm and creativity made it seem that mathematics was the easiest thing in the world.
Mrs. Tijerina used a well balance of student-centered and teacher-centered in her classroom. The first two-days of the week she would explain the mathematical concept and the rest of the …show more content…

Since a young age, I have always wanted to impact lives and improve the quality of education, and without a doubt I know that teaching was the perfect career for me. Teaching adolescence is not an easy task. It is full of challenges, frustration, and responsibilities. However, is a task in which I will be able to educate and form young minds, guide them though the right path, and experience the joy of making a difference.
For myself, teaching provides an opportunity of continual learning and growth. I believe each and every child has the potential to provide new ideas into the world. Therefore, I will like to be a teacher that can be adaptable, motivate the students to succeed, and to have the enthusiasm and ability to teach math in a simple and easy …show more content…

Many people have different opinions on how to dress for their job. I believe that for every profession, the dress code should be confortable, dissent and professional. As a teacher, wearing flip-flops, sensible shoes, jeans, see-though shirts or exposing a hint of cleavage can make a bad impact on the administration, other teachers, students and parents. Therefore, it is important to keep our image since its necessary to maintain respect and authority over the students.
Moreover, there is not an accurate definition for Mathematics, since it’s applied in different forms according to the field. Yet, Mathematical thinking is not the same as doing mathematics. The subject Mathematics focuses on learning procedures to solve stereotypes problems, and unfortunately the majority of the people have mathematics as a concept that involves only step-by-step procedures. In addition, reading and writing for Mathematicians is essential and different from the other careers. Each letter and symbol have an specific meaning, therefore, mathematicians need to be careful on how to read and write in mathematical terms property, since it can change the meaning of the equation or the problem. (Shanahan & Shanahn,

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