The Impact of War on Civilians

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The Impact of War on Civilians

1. Sources A and B do both agree on people's reaction to the food

situation. Source B is slightly more exaggerated that people were

very badly affected and gives the impression that the reaction was

greater than Source A makes out. Source A only mentions that some

foods were uncommon to have sine the rationing was introduced but

it was not extreme whereas source B implies that civilians had

very little to eat and were on the verge of starving, this would

lead them to react a lot worst to the food crisis. I know this

because source A says: 'No one has had any cheese for a long time,

butter is very hard to get and even margarine is not to be had.'

However, Source B says: 'My family lived on bones from the butcher

made into soups. And black bread.' This shows that either one

source was slightly inaccurate or that some areas were affected by

the shortages of food a lot worse than others. Also both sources

mentioned that when food was available everyone one queue, source

A: 'A grocers was 'rushed' a few days ago… were packed in a tight

mass right out into the road.' Source B - '…when some food did get

delivered… the queues stretched for miles.' Both sources are

commenting on the queues of the people reaction. Although both

sources do mostly agree on people's reaction to the food shortages

source B is not as reliable as it was inaccurate in saying that

many children died of starvation and it was said in 1984, which is

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