The Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment

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The Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment

Frank KeatingFrank Keating is a sports columnist for the Guardian and

an author; several of his publications have appeared in the Guardian,

Rugby World and Wisden Cricket Monthly. He now works from home and is

required to use a variety of technologies to get his work back to the

Guardian offices in London. Frank tends to use the vast majority of

the available technologies for work use and not as much for his

personal use.

Technologies Frank uses at work and home:-

* Computer - Apple Powerbook.

* Dictaphone - Pearlcorder S701 Microcassette Recorder.

* Mobile Phone - Nokia 5210

* Email

* Internet

* Video

* Sky Digital



[IMAGE]The Tandy 102. Load the image to see...Text Box: The Tandy 102 Portable computer, one of Frank’s early necessities.

One of the initial computers which Frank operated was a Tandy 102

Portable Computer in the year 1983, it was one of the first laptops

made and it was very popular and reliable and because of this many

journalists including Frank used it, the main predicament with the

computer was it only had 16 kilobytes of storage - just sufficient to

store 2000 words. Before using this laptop Frank was required to use a

typewriter, the first typewriter he used was a Coronet Super 12

typewriter, typewriters were much slower than modern computers and

laptops and any errors that Frank made needed to be corrected manually

often making him take longer even trying to write the shortest of

reports, any duplicates of work he made needed to be copied at a

photocopying shop which often cost money. Nowadays with the innovation

of modern technology and a sufficient amount of training Frank is able

to send his reports and articles immediately after a sporting event,

journalists working for the guardian use Apple Powerbook computers and

in this case Frank also uses an iBook laptop to type up reports while

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