The Impact Of Father Gregory Boyle's 'Tattoos On The Herat'

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Father Gregory Boyle’s magnificently crafted novel, Tattoos on the Herat, exemplifies how Jesus is telling us how to live our life here on Earth. Father Boyle devotes his time managing a self-produced business to redirect the lives of both men and women on the consuming streets of Los Angeles, California. Gang members visit his HomeBoy Industries in search of a new beginning, one that which involves God and compassion. Despite their territorial enemies, Father Boyle teaches and explains the importance of God in their lives, and we are all brothers and sisters on the eyes of our Creator. Father G looks beyond these gangs members previously committed sins, and gives them a new perspective of how life should really spent. Father G’s incredible stories all have a beneficial impact on my perspective of life, but unanimously, the story of how the two members of rival gangs became best friends altered my current life in a healthy way. The two men originally hated each other due to territorial terms, but Father G knew that these two could not hate each other once they got to know one another. Father G had these two men take a car ride together with him while he was completing a business chore. Not …show more content…

Especially towards the Homies. Father Boyle did not have to help these criminals, but he saw something deeper in these gang members that majority of the population cannot. Just like Jesus, father G has devoted his time to helping those who seem to be rejected from society. For example, Jesus associated himself with beggars, leopards and terminally ill. Father G is truly helping those who cannot help themselves. After reading eight chapters of this wonderful novel, I feel motivated to offer help for anyone who needs it, despite possible societal standards. Although we are not here on Earth very long, time should be spent helping the less fortunate and putting others before ourselves, just as Father D

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