The Immigration Paradox Summary

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In The Immigration Paradox, I saw how the historical themes of immigration continue to influence the vulnerability of undocumented migrants, which made me reflect on the effectiveness of our current immigration system. In the beginning of the movie, there was an unauthorized migrant, who tried to cross through the Arizona desert, pleading for help and asking bystander to call border control. This reflects our discussions about prevention through deterrence, in which the government tries to discourage migrants by directing them to routes with deadly conditions. Similarly, there are other systematic problems with our immigration policies. For example, I thought it was very frustrating that the construction contractors who abide by the laws cannot fairly compete against others who pay …show more content…

Not only was this issue was highlighted several times in our class discussions, it was also a main theme in the presentation by Leticia Saucedo. The movie affirmed my belief that there should be policy reforms in employment law that extends protection to vulnerable migrants in the workplace. Likewise, I found another issue with how the system creates vulnerability and uncertainty for innocent children who migrated with their parents. For example, one girl had great academic achievements in high school, but she could not apply to college because she did not have a social security number. Similarly, another person migrated with his parents from Mexico, proceeded to enroll in school, and even received a driver license without any issues. I think this represents an important problem with current policies, in which the children of undocumented migrants often do not know their legal status until it is too late. Therefore, I believe the government should take steps in the early process of education and grant some form of status to children who migrated unknowingly with their

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