The Humanitarian Work of Angelina Jolie

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When most people talk about celebrities it is usually related to their latest fashion statement, the new movies they are starring in, or the new song they released. However, what is becoming increasingly more popular for celebrities to be associated with is humanitarian and development work. Through their use of songs, documentaries, and publicized field missions, the celebrities that partake in humanitarian work utilize their fame to attract people to support certain relief efforts and organizations. A movement first started by Jackie Coogan in the 1920s (Babkenian, 2011), celebrity humanitarianism is becoming increasingly more popular with names such as Bono, Oprah Winfrey, and Angelina Jolie serving as modern day examples of celebrities who are involved with humanitarian works. Of these “humanitarian celebrity’s,” Angelina Jolie, who is heavily involved in humanitarian work around the globe, has a great amount of criticism and praise for her work. Along side Brad Pitt, she has seen increasing popularity due to her work in the field of development, and is noted for being one of the most active celebrities in regards to humanitarian and development work, especially in the field of the refugee crisis around the world.

I would like to clarify that celebrity humanitarianism is a term that is coined for celebrities being involved in development work and the two are relatively interchangeable. Through this essay I will cover the history of Angelina Jolie’s involvement in development work, the pros and cons of her development work, and finally, provide my own personal opinion of the topic of her development work. My thesis is that, although there are some positive aspects of Jolie’s work mainly found within her humanitarian ef...

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...,” Third World Quarterly, 29:8, 1475-1489.

Kapoor, Ilan. 2012. Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity. New York City: Routledge.

Maddox Jolie-Pitt Organization. 2013. “At a Glance.” Retrieved from:

United Nations Refugee Agency, 2013a. “Angelina Jolie Fact Sheet.” Retrieved from:

United Nations Refugee Agency, 2013b. “Good Will Ambassadors.” Retrieved from:

Ramsdale, Suzannah, 2013. “Angelina Jolie: How She’s Become An Inspiration To Us All,” Marie Claire UK. Retrieved from:

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