The House On Mango Street Coming Of Age Essay

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Naveed Abubacker
Mrs. Tziarri
English II
13 January 2016
Coming of Age on Mango Street
Innocence is the freedom from sin or moral wrong. It’s a trait that all people are born with. As children get older they begin to experience the struggles and realities of adult life. These experiences slowly removes their innocence as they grow into adulthood. This loss of innocence or coming of age is a key theme in Sandra Cisneros's novel The House on Mango Street. Esperanza Cordero begins the novel as a child that has not experienced the horrors of life. As she endures the horrific events of life, she comes of age in a short span. She is young girl growing up in a rundown Latino dominated neighborhood. Esperanza does not want to belong, not to her …show more content…

She does not know that there is bad in people, when she was young she believed that everyone had all good in them and no bad but she was wrong. Esperanza describes her mother’s “sweet to put your nose into when she is holding you… is the warm smell of bread before you bake it (Cisneros 6). Esperanza is trying to grow up and she figures out why Sally is so sad which shows she is starting to mature. She starts to come of age and starts to question the bad in the world. Her maturity level is raising from the beginning of the book showing her innocence is rising in a short time. This proves her innocence and love for her mother. Her relationship with her mother is just like her relationship with everyone else because she is innocent and she believes that everyone is a good person. Esperanza is so innocent that when she followed Marin “we ran down the block to where the cop car’s siren spun a dizzy blue” (25). Esperanza is so innocent she does not know what is happening to Louie’s cousin. It is shocking for her to witness someone crashing their car and the cops coming to take them away. She is starting to realize the bad in this world and begins to come of age. She has never seen something this dramatic, when she witnessed the event she did not think anything of it because she did not think it was a bad thing. She did not know why he was getting arrested, she did not realize …show more content…

She wants to achieve her goals, get an education and a house of that she can call her own. When she grows up she does not want to be like Sally which is a great thing. She wants to change and become successful but she does not want to forget about where she came from and she wants to give back to her community. She has completely changed from the beginning of the novel and she has changed for the good of herself. When she gets a house of her own “Passing bums will ask, Can I come in? I’ll offer them the attic, ask them to stay, because I know how it is to be without a house” (86) she does not want to forget where she grew up and understands other people’s situation. Esperanza is becoming more mature and is taking more responsibility and she is trying to help other people. She has changed because the old self would have never done anything like this, but due to the events Esperanza has experienced she is willing to help the good people. She knows not to be taken advantage by men, she has her own goals and is looking to achieve them with all costs. Getting a house of her own is her ultimate goal in her life “Only a house quiet as a snow, a space for myself to go, clean as a paper before the poem” (108). Esperanza wants a house of her own and she wants to be independent. She has matured completely, she never depends on anyone. She understands the horrors and the good in the world and she has chosen the path she wants

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