The Hollow Men

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Can a motley assemblage of a mere 26 letters make one experience a range of discordant emotions, demanding to be felt? A work of literature with high literary merit can do all this and more. A piece of literature that definitely achieves this esteemed, high literary status is T.S. Eliot’s poem, The Hollow Men. This work of art is emotionally satisfying, intellectually lofty and stimulating, and also politically challenging and provocative.
Emotional satisfaction is a major aspect, that causes readers to believe this poem is a work of literature with an exceedingly high status. A vast array of literary devices such as metaphors, juxtapositions, antitheses and symbols are used throughout the poem, to establish a bleak, depressing mood. “Our …show more content…

Civically captivating. The final reason this prestigious work of literature has high merit, is due to it’s political factor. In this poem, T.S. Eliot comments on the futility of action and the “worthlessness” of one’s voice in comparison to the greater power’s demands. This can be connected to the dystopian society present in 1984, where the citizens of Oceania, are like the “hollow men”. Their actions, desires and even thoughts are controlled by the government. Their heads are “stuffed” with non-sensical political propaganda, and “hollow” of any true opinions. “Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the Shadow”, is one of the many verses in which “the Shadow” comes between two naturally connected elements. “The Shadow” represents “Big Brother” and the government, which interferes in all matters of the lives of Oceania’s citizens. For example, the thought police and principles of Ingsoc act as a barrier between making Winston’s “ideas” into “reality”. Winston feels many “emotions”, but cannot have a “response”, for fear that the totalitarian government is watching him. Just like “the Shadow”, this government, interrupts progression at all levels, aiming to create an eternity of hollow abstraction, where “freedom is slavery”, and the “ignorance” of the hollow men “is strength”. This makes one ponder the truth about if their government also implements policies restricting them, and preventing them from having their rights. It can be related to secret surveillance issues, restriction on the amount of children one can have, the apathy of the citizens and many more. This poem forces an individual to think about their civic beliefs, and how they might be similar to those of the “hollow men”. In conclusion, this poem is also politically (ethos) convincing, which is another reason that it is regarded as high

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