The Hero's Journey: The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Every hero has a journey whether it may deal with slaying a dragon or obtaining immortality like our hero Gilgamesh. The story starts out in the ordinary world with Gilgamesh and Enkidu causing havoc on the city that Gilgamesh rules as king. As Enkidu is on his deathbed, he has a dream about old kings being in hell because of the selfish lifestyle they lived, which gets Gilgamesh determined to find immortality. On his journey, he prays to the gods and as he awakens lions attack him, but he is able to defeat them with his bare hands thanks to his prayers being accepted by the gods. Gilgamesh is stopped at the gates of Mashu and a scorpion guard that warns him about the difficult journey he will face if he goes through the gate, but that does

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