The Hero's Journey In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, a group of schoolboys is stranded on an isolated island. With no adults around, the boys are left to look after and govern themselves. In order to survive and to ensure that they can be saved, the boys vote and select their “chief”, Ralph. Ralph is described as having “the directness of genuine leadership” and symbolizes order and civilization. Throughout the novel, Ralph goes through the twelve stages of the hero’s journey. Like any story, each character starts with their ordinary life before being called to their adventure, in this case, being elected as the leader. The next steps of the hero’s journey involved meeting his mentors and going on his first adventure. Ralph does face …show more content…

The murder of Simon makes Ralph realize that what they did was wrong. The death of Simon was symbolic. Not only does it show parallels between a christ-like figure, for example, Jesus and that they both died knowing the truth, but it shows that there is no more goodness and that everyone has turned to savagery. The goal of civilization and order reaches a low point when Piggy’s glasses are stolen, another symbol of civilization. Ralph and what’s left of his group decide to take the conch to Jack’s group to remind them the most important thing is to create the fire to be rescued; this slowly leads to redemption for Ralph. This is similar to the character, Thomas, in The Maze Runner where they both betrayed, not only their friends, but themselves as well. Ralph betrays his beliefs in order and civilization when he joins Jack and Thomas betrays both his friends and himself when he realized he was actually helping the opponent. They both redeem themselves by being fully committed to what they believe in: for Ralph, not giving up on civilization and order and for Thomas, to forget the past and focus on defeating the

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