The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World

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In today’s society, appearance plays an important role for every person who wants to make a good impression for any situation in life. Everyone is influenced by the appearance of other people, therefore, sometimes there are many misunderstandings. People have to be very careful with their appearance if they want to avoid this situation. There are some examples of how appearance can affect the way others think about a person in “The Temp” by Amelia Kahaney, “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Edward Scissorhands by Caroline Thompson. The stories and the film have in common the presence of a protagonist whose appearance affects him and the people around him in a positive or negative way, which also happens today when looking for a job. Physical appearance affects the way people think in many important moments in life. When looking for a job, for example, the manager will always look for the best candidate based on …show more content…

Clothing is the essence of the image that a person projects outward. Clothing is an important factor in the first impression of every single moment. In the film Edward Scissorhands, Peg, is a woman who found Edward at the beginning of the film, got scared due to the first impression that Edward projected with his black clothes (Edward Scissorhands). In today’s society, the way people dress is also very important when looking for a job. Attending an interview dressed with the appropriated clothes will help the candidate in a positive way. The managers will always look for the most professional look. Judith Rasband states in her article “Power of Personal Appearance” “Your appearance makes a strong statement about your personality, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, abilities, roles, and goals” (Rasband). Being and dressing like a professional is the key to success because it will make the person the perfect candidate for the

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