Economic Growth and Consumption

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Question 2

Consumption and economic growth are the only two effective economic goals worth striving for in a modern globalized society. Do you agree?

Consumption and economic growth are like
In this essay it will be argued that the economic growth and consumption are unsustainable, environmentally detrimental and have a negative impact on human health and development and are not goals worth striving for in our modern globalized society.
An expanding society is not a sustainable one nor is it environmentally friendly and is detrimental to the quality and health of human life. The act of consumption, which is using goods and services and the concept of economic growth, which can be defined by the stable increase in the productive capacity of an economy are not the only economic goals worth striving for in our modern globalized society which is a process of “Internationalisation, liberalisation, universalisation, modernisation and deterritorialisation”(Niski M 2012).
The act of consumption in economic terms is a process of a consumer spending money on goods and services, consumerism is a social and economic belief that encourages and enforces the consumption of goods and services in great amounts. In a capitalist society such as Australia which is based on economic growth, a consumerist society could be deemed to be beneficial towards the expansion of a nation’s economy. With this being said it should not be a main economic ambition as excess consumption is a wasteful recreational activity that pillages the Earth’s natural resources and is based on an unsustainable principle. The planet that we live on is very similar to all of the planets in the universe in the sense that it’s finite, meaning that there is a limit ...

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... the amount of finite resources they require to build upon and to sustain.

Works Cited

Barr, B. (2012). Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: time trend analysis. Available: Last
Frank, J. (2013). Video: Stars in the Haze by Joshua Frank. Available: Last accessed 1st of Nov 2013.
Fine Particles (PM 2.5) Questions and Answers. Available: Last accessed 1st of Nov 2013.
Niski, M. (2012). Globalisation and The Environment: The Challenge of Balancing Human Economic Activity with Environmental Management and Protection. Available: Last accessed 12th of November 2013.

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