Rewards And Punishments In The Grimm's Fairy Tales

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The Grimm’s Fairy Tales are a collection of German stories collected in 1812 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Grimm brothers collected stories all over rural areas in Germany. They were then edited by the Grimm Brothers with the intent to keep them before industrialization abolished them. In each of the Grimm’s Fairy tales there is an obvious sign of development in each character, for example the fairy tales of “Cinderella” and “Hansel and Grethel”. Through these two Fairy Tales, there is a lesson that is learned by each character, whether it ends in a punishment or reward. As the characters in Cinderella and Hansel and Grethel develop, the rewards and/or punishments at the end don’t always ‘fit the crime.’ Throughout the fairy tale, Cinderella stays kind, “good and pious”, as instructed by her mother, and never giving up hope. She never gave up no matter how bad her stepmother and stepsisters tormented her. Cinderella seems to get rewarded by marrying the prince and getting everything she hoped she would. On the other hand, Cinderella 's stepsisters were cruel to …show more content…

Though he was dubious when his wife, Hansel and Grethels stepmother, suggest to take the kids to the woods, he still did it. As the tale ends, he gets his children back and much more. The stepmother dies after her evil actions toward Hansel and Grethel. The stepmother feels no remorse for attempting to leave Hansel and Grethel at the forrest. Instead, the stepmother keeps encouraging Hansel and Grethels father to take them even after they find their way home. At the end of the tale, the stepmother dies. For a children 's fairy tale, death is a little too extreme. When Hansel and Grethel reach the house made of bread, they realize the owner is a witch whose motive is to lure them in and eat them. The witch, who is evil to the children, also

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