The Pros And Cons Of Civilization In America

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The economy expansion was occasionally set-back because factory workers were not being paid much money, which stopped them from purchasing many products. The factory workers were the people who consumed, and without them receiving a good wage, then they weren’t able to buy the products being produced by these factories. The consumers weren’t getting paid enough to consume. This situation frustrated workers. It was common to see hopeless and angry men walking the streets committing crimes. If these men continued like this, then a revolution might start. America did not want a revolution to occur at that moment when they are starting. The marketing solution was: if American factories could produce for foreigners, then the Americans would be able to give more jobs to poor Americans. A form to save jobs, the United States had to make business with China because China was a country whom secluded themselves from every other country. …show more content…

China had created the Great Wall of China with the intentions of not wanting contact from the outside countries. The problem for China arose because the Chinese didn’t notice how the world was progressing. The Chinese didn’t overlook the other countries because they thought the other countries were unintelligent. Consequently, with other countries having modern weapons, inch-by-inch the small Europeans (France, Britain, Germany, Japan, and Russia) colonized some of China. China’s example was to be shunned. United States had to expand. The image was very important in the world politics. Theodore Roosevelt, a republican progressive, constantly warned about the ills of isolation. If America became blind with the world, like China, America would rot and be

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