The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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The American Dream in The Great Gatsby “The negative side of the American dream comes when people pursue success at any coast, which in turn destroys the vision and the dream” (Azar Nafisi.) This essay will give you a general idea about the American dream, the American dream in the book the Great Gatsby and why is the American dream terrible or how the American dream does not fit some people. The American Dream portrayed in The Great Gatsby is terrible. “Endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” (Kathy Barske.) Basically in the American everyone wants to be. The American dream first started when people came from overseas looking for a better life. The American dream has changed from …show more content…

It is interesting that other main characters in the book are all after something’s different for their American dream. Most of the charters in The Great Gatsby “are full of hope”. Article 1. A lot of the people in the Great Gatsby went to west egg because they can get their start there. Gatsby’s American dream was to have money and “to win back Daisy”. Daisy is all that Gatsby has ever wanted. Unfortunately some of the American Dreams turn out to be terrible for them. American dream is terrible. Money kills people. If you have too much money or trying to get it, the money come back and get you in the end. Gatsby struggles to get the last part of his American Dream throughout the book. Gatsby almost got his American Dream but at the end he took the blame for Daisy and that got him killed. Myrtle’s American Dream never comes true at the end she went insane and ran the middle of the street and got hit by a yellow car. It makes sense that money killed Myrtle because she got hit by a yellow car and the color yellow in the book represents money and it makes sense to say that Myrtle was killed by money. It is unfortunate that some people don’t get their American

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