The Great Gatsby Monologue

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His house was huge and magnificent. This large house all for just on Jay Gatsby. Oh did I love the antique silhouettes against the sky, and the luxurious garden filled with flowers of all kind. Oh and that magnificent scent and the gleaming gold gates that glistened in the sun. Oh was I in love. The luxury and elegance, it was stunning. I have never seen such an exquisite house, and to think i missed out on lavish parties. We wandered inside and walkes the many halls, admiring all its glory. We wandered upstairs and made our way through all the bedrooms and empty rooms. The bedrooms were dressed in rose and lavender silk,and flowers everywhere in bathrooms, pool rooms, dressing rooms. Then we got to Gatsby’s room and we all took a seat and …show more content…

His room was simple, except for one thing that i could not keep my eyes off, his dresser. It was garnished with gold. I picked up the magnificent looking brush of the dresser and began to stroke it through my hair. Gatsby sat beside me and laughed, he was giggling with joy, oh did I miss that from him. I had dreamed of this moment for many years, but with the time gone it seems as if he has become so different. Sitting there i could tell he was nervous, but so was I. A sudden burst came from Gatsby, as he ran up the stairs to his massive cabinets filled with suits, gowns, ties, and shirts. It was incredible all the expensive clothing he had piled in the cabinets. His shirts were piled high in stacks, dozens of them. Gatsby announces, “I’ve got a man in England who buys me clothes. He sends over a selection of things at the beginning of each season, spring and fall.” Gatsby suddenly started throwing his lavish shirts over the rail down to where I sat on the bed. The shirts of all material from silk to sheer all so lavishing and expensive. I was over joyed by all the lavish and expensive shirts just being thrown to me. So many fancy shirts, the wealthy life with Gatsby i could have had if only i …show more content…

I began to weep softly in my hands. What a fool was I, not living this well-off life with Gatsby. I was a fool for it. This life, with all the luxurious items and all the lavish parties. They are such beautiful shirts, and it just makes me sad because I have never seen such beautiful shirts before. I stayed crying, trying to hide from Nick and Gatsby about why I was crying. Gatsby then took me by the hand and showed me the rest of the house. He took me outside to see the grounds as well as the extraneous swimming pool. The abundant amount of flowers that were was just breathtaking, and the hydro plane was unreal. It must have cost a fortune. As we headed back inside the rain began again, so we all stood inside looking out into the misty distance of nothing. Gatsby then started and said “ If it wasn’t for the mist we could see your home across the bay, you always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.” That moment in time that i realized, that all of this, the fancy house, lavish clothes, luxurious items and parties, it was all for me. All the money he put into doing those things was all for me. As we stood there looking out I put my arm through his and we continued to look out across the bay. I feel so close to Gatsby in a way I have never felt before. Nick walked inside and began to ask about some of Gatsby’s pictures hanging inside. One in particular caught my eye, the one of Gatsby standing in front of his yacht. I was unaware that Gatsby

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