The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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Ch.5- Rainy day on Gatsby’s Parade Chapter five starts with Nick arriving to his home late from a date with Jordan. To his surprise, Gatsby is awake and approaches him. Gatsby is trying to act cool and collected as he waits for Nick to bring up his request. Nick makes a plan for the meeting to happen tomorrow. Gatsby wants no trouble for Nick so he says the meeting can happen whenever it suits Nick. Gatsby wants to send over people to cut Nick’s grass and offers him a little job on the side. Nick declines the offer without hesitation. The next morning Nick calls Daisy and requests her to come over without Tom. Gatsby goes to Nick’s house making sure everything is perfect. He is ridiculously nervous and is doubtful that this is a good idea. …show more content…

I thought Gatsby was being a tad over dramatic with the whole meeting Daisy situation. He literally stalked Nick until two in the morning, then revamped Nick’s house. He made me nervous just by reading his actions. When he walked around the house in the pouring rain, I found that extremely hilarious because he is so involved into this idea of how Daisy sees him, that all his common sense flies out the window. I feel really bad for Nick because he is in the middle of this love triangle, with no escape. I also fear what will happen if Tom finds out about all of these events. Tom will definitely physically fight with Gatsby, since he has little to none self-control. Tom will be upset with Nick as well, since he basically set up their first encounter with one another. I wonder how Gatsby would respond to big and aggressive Tom. I predict that Gatsby will try and solve any issues through discussion, but Tom would only have a discussion with him, if it's between Tom’s fist and Gatsby’s face. There is a slim chance though that Tom won't even care. Although extremely unlikely, this could be Tom’s way out of this relationship. Most likely though, Tom is going to freak out. This infuriates me because Tom has been and will always cheat on Daisy, that’s just the way it is going to be. However, the second Daisy even looks at another man, Tom’s whole world starts to combust. I think Fitzgerald has a reason behind this hypocrisy. Women had barely any respect or human value back in the day. They were seen as property rather than a human being. So Tom is seeing this situation as someone is taking his property, rather than someone loves my wife more than I do. Men could cheat on their loved ones any time, any where, but as soon as the wife commits the same wrong doings, a world war begins. Men are praised when they cheat on other, whereas women are

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