The Great Dragon: A Short Story

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Merlin ordered the Great Dragon to cease its attack on the king and his knights, and then conjured a wall of flames to keep Arthur from attacking Kilgharrah.

"We have to get this egg to safety," Merlin said.

Kilgharrah gave him a affronted look. "I told you before I am not a horse."

Merlin waited patiently until with a snort of disgust the Great Dragon lowered his neck close enough to the ground for Merlin to haul himself up and grab hold securely, carefully cradling the egg in one arm. Kilgharrah spread his wings and lifted into the air as Merlin released the spell that had conjured the wall of flame. If Arthur or any of the knights chose to fling a weapon at them it was unlikely to cause Kilgharrah injury now.

In the blink of an eye …show more content…

"It is safe," Merlin said, trying to gauge Arthur's reaction.

"Safe?" Arthur spat out. "We had a chance to rid the world of these monsters! And now there are two." He narrowed his eyes. "The Great Dragon seems to be in remarkably good health considering you said I dealt it a fatal blow three years ago."

Merlin's heart sank at being caught in another lie. "Kilgharrah ceased his attack on Camelot and he has not caused any harm since then."

Arthur raised his eyebrows. "Kilgharrah?"

"That is the Great Dragon's name," Merlin said.

"You are on a first name basis with this monster?"

Not knowing how he could explain his relationship with Kilgharrah when he was not always certain himself of the dragon's motives, Merlin held his tongue.

"My father was a great king, all I have wanted is to do what he would have done so I could be worthy of his name," Arthur said. "Do you know how hard my father worked to destroy these evil creatures?"

"As hard as he worked to slaughter the Dragonlords and hunt down my father," Merlin said. As he had hoped, Arthur looked taken aback.

Arthur's raised brows snapped together. "You said you did not know your father. Is everything you say a …show more content…

Arthur shook his head as though to stem the tidal wave of revelations coming at him. "Dragons were responsible for laying waste to Daobeth and I watched as the Great Dragon attempted to destroy Camelot at the cost of many innocent lives. These creatures are dangerous enemies. If you are on the side of these monsters then you are also an enemy of Camelot."

Merlin felt the blood drain from his face.

"If you know where the egg is, we can kill it and make this kingdom safer."

"The egg hatched," Merlin said. "Kilgharrah – the Great Dragon – will watch over the young dragon and make sure that it causes no harm."

"The Great Dragon attacked Camelot and would see us all dead."

"He also helped me to save Camelot more than once," Merlin said.

"What idiotic gibberish is this now?" Arthur caught his breath. "We never discovered how the creature got loose," he challenged.

Merlin decided that honesty was the best way forward at this point. "I kept my promise to free him. It was the price of the spell to help me defeat Cornelius Sigan."

"You defeated Sigan? I thought … Gaius said he found … What do you mean a spell?"

"I'm a sorcerer, I have magic," Merlin admitted. "And I use it for you Arthur, for you and for

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