The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck: The Strength Of Unity

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The Strength of Unity A sense of community was a necessity for many Americans during the era of the Great Depression. With the drought in the Dust Bowl and other catastrophes, many were forced to relocate elsewhere in attempt to survive. The Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck, illustrates the importance of unity during privation through the idea that members of society must work in unison to achieve a common goal. Steinbeck demonstrates this theme through multiple aspects in the book. Being united in a group provides people the intrepidity to accomplish tasks they would not be able to as individuals. Unity is the utmost importance during a hopeless situation as it restores faith and optimism. Without the cohesion of individuals, families begin to stray from their intended purpose and sense of direction. In his novel, Steinbeck elaborates on the idea that unity is imperative because it is necessary for the survival of all, it restores faith when all hope is lost and grants a deliberate focus on an individual’s choices. Being united in a group provides people the intrepidity to accomplish tasks they would not be able to as individuals. The cohesion of the Joad family is first witnessed when the novel’s protagonist, Tom Joad, returns from prison to be reunited with his family. After spending four years in prison, Tom Joad experiences his very first meal with his family where Jim Casy, a former preacher, says grace over breakfast where he emphasizes the importance of unity, “But when they’re all workin’ together, not one fella for another fella, but one fella kind of harnessed to the whole shebang—that’s right, that’s holy” (Steinbeck 81). This quote foreshadows many of the upcoming events that are bound to happen as Casy and... ... middle of paper ... ...f arriving to California, have withered and lost their sense of focus. This is a convincing indication that individuals must come together as one to achieve a common mission. Steinbeck’s novel demonstrates the value of members in a society to work in unison to achieve a common goal. Without each other, the Joads will have no way of coping with the loss of their land in Oklahoma and reach their destination in California. Unity as a family is the only option they have to endure this hopeless calamity. In addition, the collapse of the family results in their initial purpose and intention to fall apart. The Great Depression was an era that was detrimental to many individuals. It affected farmers drastically as it forced them to look for work elsewhere in the country. Regardless of how severe conditions were, many remained sanguine in anticipation of a brighter tomorrow.

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