The Grand Canyon

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The Grand Canyon holds many interesting secrets from the past people who have made the canyon their home. The Grand Canyon has kept these secrets for many years through the generations of people who have lived in those areas and the stories that these generations have told younger generations. I find it interesting how people have lived in those areas for so long, they have dealt with the changes of their home. I also find it interesting how the people who lived in these conditions and the items they used to cook and storage items are items that we are finding today. Their items have survived through years of season changes, they may be broken or scattered within an area but they have for the most part stayed intact. The Grand Canyon holds history and stories of the people who lived their lives there, to think that under the sand that has blown and covered these areas was a town or homes to people. The people who lived there had an understanding of the plants and animals of the area they lived; they learned by trial and error that in itself is interesting. They were not afraid of being wrong, they learned from their mistakes. They lived by hunting and living outdoors, as people in our society it seems weird to think of living the way the natives have lived their lives. As stated in the article the natives possessed an understanding of the seasons and the area that they lived in that is beyond our grasp (Coder 2000:6-7). They were interesting people from what they knew to how they lived. I find it interesting how times have dramatically changed, the natives that lived in the Grand Canyon lived with what they could make with their hands, and eat what they could hunt, and they had the necessities whereas we today go to a s...

... middle of paper ... their research, which may not make sense to them but to the Native Americans can have the answers as they could have heard stories from their grandparents. I believe that if they continue to have the Native Americans help with their research they can continue to piece together their history for others to learn and understand how they lived their lives.

Works Cited

Coder, Christopher
2000 An Introduction to Grand Canyon Prehistory. Pp 6-7. Grand Canyon, Ariz.: Grand Canyon Association.

Grand Canyon National Park Service
2009 Archaeology Along the Colorado River. Grand Canyon National Park. Round House Productions.

Colwell-Chanthaphonh, C. and Ferguson, TJ
2003Virtue Ethics and the Practice of History: Native Americans and Archaeologists along the San Pedro Valley of Arizona. Pp 2-32. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Twelfth Annual Meeting.

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