The Global Black Panther Party (BPP)

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The Global Black Panther
The Black Panther Party (BPP) was the radical group during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Under the leadership of Dr. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, the Black Panther Party made their presence known wherever they went. With their militant and radical styles, the BPP was a group of people that most Americans were intimidated by. One of the main goals for the BPP was to stop police brutality from plaguing within the black community, and just like Civil Rights Movement leaders Malcolm X and Martin Luther King’s they wanted to have equal rights just like every other U.S citizens. Even their looks made them stand out from the rest of the black protest groups. Members of the BPP were known for having …show more content…

They mainly did these things to protect the people of the black community. Blacks during this time never really had a voice. The BPP stepped up and became that voice for many blacks who were afraid to speak out against wrong doings. Members of the BPP started breakfast programs for children, health care, voter registration, and many other programs. While doing these things they received help and support from people inside the United States who were outside of the black community. The BPP looked for something more outside of the United States so they went to get support from countries such as Algeria, England, New Zealand, North Korea, and many other communist countries around the world. This paper will explain why the Black Panther Party went to look for international help also what the BPP agenda was when it came to these different countries. The Black Panthers not only looked to these different countries for support financially but they also went to raise awareness for oppressed people around the world. The decided that if they stick together it would cause a major impact on the world as a whole, and lives would begin the …show more content…

People all over the United States began to support the BPP, and they also began to create their own BPP parties. The Chicago Black Panther Party was created, New Jersey Black Panther Party, also the Winston Salem Black Panther Party. These are just a few of the many BPP chapters that were created in the US. This nationwide expansion of the BPP sparked the attention of the FBI. Under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI made the BPP their number one target. In the year 1968 Hoover stated, “the Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country”. He was not the only one in America who felt this way about the Black Panther Party. The FBI and other people who were against them began to target the BPP with violence and fake conspiracies which would slowly begin to tear them

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