The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

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The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams The character of Laura Wingfield definitely showed an obvious increase


maturity level in the play, The Glass Menagerie. Laura was an

extremely shy

girl, it was a kind of sickness she had. Her mother sent her to


Business College in hopes that Laura would be able to hold a job and

not have to

depend on a husband. The class terrified her to the point of making


physically ill so Laura stopped going to the class. She did not have


maturity level of an adult and was not able to handle a simple

situation such as

that one. Another sign of a low maturity level was Laura’s collection


“glass menagerie”. A girl in her late 20’s owning a collection of


menagerie is quite particular, and not very common, but Laura had one!


found out that there was to be a gentleman caller one night and she


extremely nervous, but when she then found out this gentleman caller

was Jim

O’Connor and old high-school crush she couldn’t handle it. She could


even open the door for Jim and Tom when they were trying to enter the

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