The Glass Menagerie Justified Essay

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The Glass Menagerie depicts a complex world. Tom leaves his family and he is not justified because of who he leaves. His mother, Amanda, needs his help for a little while longer. Laura needs Tom to find her a suitable man and a job so she can then help Amanda along with the man. Tennessee Williams is connected to Tom because he left his own family but he is not justified because Tom is not. Tom is not justified in his actions because Amanda needs his help. Amanda needs Tom’s help in order to get Laura a man. Laura cannot support herself because of her mortiferous shyness. Amanda’s magazine telemarketing does not produce enough money for the whole family. “As soon as Laura has got somebody to take care of her… you’ll be free to go wherever”(Williams 31) Amanda exclaims this when she wants Tom to bring home a gentleman caller from the warehouse. Tom is not vindicated to leave until someone has taken his place to …show more content…

Amanda is captious towards her children. She makes Laura take a typing class that she does not want to do and she berates Tom about how he spends his afternoons and his smoking. “But, Tom, you go to the movies entirely too much.”(Williams 30) This is one of the earlier fights with Amanda that shows that Tom is agitated by her. This argument that Tom is validated to leave his family is incorrect because Amanda is doing what a normal mother does. She cares about her children. Even if Amanda is controlling him too much he is required to stay for Laura. Tom was justified to leave his family because he wanted a better life for himself. He was tired of the warehouse job. He joined the Navy because, he wanted to see the world. “People go to the movies instead of moving… until there’s war”(Williams 48) This viewpoint is erroneous because Tom is not condoned leaving his family by being selfish. Tom thinks of nobody but himself which is very wrong especially when his family relies almost wholly on

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