The Glass Menagerie Essay

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The narrator of “The Glass Menagerie” is Tom. Who is constantly at battles with himself and a series of personal issues and setbacks. There is importance of the glass menagerie which is why Tennessee Williams names the play after it. The characters in this play all are on their own emotional rollercoaster. The women of the menagerie seem to be helpless. While the men are the ones that are dependent on. Williams describes the appearances of the play when Tom says “being a memory play, it is dimly lighted, it is sentimental, it is not realistic. In memory everything seems to happen to music. That explains the fiddle in the wings” (Williams, p. 1041). Williams identifies the plays as a protagonist. The central character are a work of fiction with a driving force behind action. As the plays begins the stage direction is essential to understanding …show more content…

These character throughout the play are unable to obtain what their desire are. Laura seems to be the main character of the play. Her emotion where places upon menagerie throughout the whole play. The glass menagerie is a fantasy and an escape for Laura. Laura has revolved her world around her glass collection. In the play there is a scene when her brother throws his coat across the room. “It strikes against the shelf of Laura’s glass collection, there is a tinkle of shattering glass. Laura cries out as if wounded” (p.1043) that explained by stage direction. The music plays. Music Legend: “The Glass Menagerie.”). “Laura (shrilly): My glass menagerie.... (She covers her face and turns away.)” (p.1043). The glass collection seems to be some sort of symbolic instrument to her. Laura is portrayed as translucent and frightened. Laura suffer from handicaps both, socially and physically. Laura has very little dialogue but a significant roll that’s played. She is the center of many scenes. But her power of presentation as a tragic figure lies in metaphor, and stage

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