The Glass Menagerie And House On Mango Street Essay

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In many stories home plays an important role in shaping a character’s worldview. The Glass Menagerie and The House on Mango Street are two works of literature that view use the setting of a home to further their meaning. One story represents home as a safe place of comfort and security. The other details a home full of brokenness and poverty. While the two stories consider the idea of home differently, they both use symbolism of the home setting to represent unique aspects of their characters. Viewing these stories side-by-side allows readers to recognize the full meaning and importance of home to the characters Laura and Esperanza. The Glass Menagerie is a play about memory, responsibility, and regret. One of the main characters, Laura Wingfield, has always felt herself …show more content…

She loves her family, but the house she lives in and the world she is living don’t make her content. The story opens with Esperanza describing all the places that she has lived. Rundown houses and apartments make up all she has ever known. She wants to live in a place that belongs only to her family, but the house that they move to on Mango Street is just the same as the others. Esperanza is ashamed of her shabby house. She wants to chase her dreams and explore the world. The wanderlust that Esperanza has is obvious for readers. Coming from a poor family, Esperanza is at an economic disadvantage. Unlike Laura who lets her limp define her, Esperanza is determined to move up in the world. In the book, there is not a cohesive plot and things don’t happen in a particular order. It is simply a collection of random thoughts. A description of her family's hair. The high-heeled shoes that she and her friends play with one day. Her plan to let a bum live in her attic. Esperanza’s mind is wild. She jumps from one idea to another, constantly dreaming and planning. Never telling us all the details, but giving us just enough to keep us

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