What Are The Similarities Between The Giver And The Truman Show

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Compare/Contrast Essay “Come on, is that the best you can do? You’re gonna have to kill me!” Truman shouted as huge waves fall on top of his boat. In the book The Giver and the movie “The Truman Show” both had a terrible ending. Both communities were climate controlled with new and different technology. However in “The Truman Show” the characters on screen knew they were acting while the characters in The Giver thought they were living their normal everyday life. “The Truman Show” is more entertaining that The Giver because it has more action. One similarity between The Giver and “The Truman Show” is they both had terrible endings. In The Giver Jonas is struggling up a hill in the snow and when he finally makes it up the hill he finds a sled, slides down and then the book ends. In “The Truman Show” Truman finally finds a door leading to the outside world and he walks through the door and the movie ends. Jonas was struggling up the hill but that was about as much action as you got through the whole book. In “The Truman Show” however the whole movie has action as Truman is learning about his real life. Before Truman gets through the door he has to cross a huge lake and he almost drowns doing so. It holds you in suspense wondering if Truman made it through or not. …show more content…

In The Giver there is no snow, rain, or temperature. The climate in The Giver is perfect. In “The Truman Show” the people in charge of the TV show are controlling when to make it rain and storm and there was no snow in “The Truman Show”. There is more action in “The Truman Show”, however because in the climate they live in, there's rain and storms and lots of wind. In The Giver they have no rain, snow, or storms until the last few chapters while Jonas is escaping. In “The Truman Show” you get rain, storms and action the whole

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